Adidas takes on Microsoft and Apple

After Puma’s foray into the cell phone business with the ‘Puma phone’, it’s the turn of Adidas to enter the technology industry. Adidas have come with with an Operating System to take Microsoft and Apple head on.

Testing is in advanced stages and industry insiders have said that its "mind blowing".

Adidas has given it to the public for Beta testing but have hit upon a roadblock. None of the users have actually managed to test it.

Adidas officials have been baffled by this but closer studies have revealed that the users were simply not getting past the welcome screen.

At the welcome screen, the adidas logo along with the name of the Operating System, ‘AdiOS’ comes up. Users were bewildered to see a good-bye message- ‘Adios’ at the opening screen and were constantly retrying to start up the machine by pushing the power button.

Adidas has planned a high level meeting to address this pressing issue. Watch this space for more.

                                                                                                    -By our Staff Reporter






2 responses to “Adidas takes on Microsoft and Apple”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    Heh.. Funny!! 😉

  2. Sarah Avatar

    Heh.. Funny!! 😉